Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Selous And The Rest Of The Animals

For the rest of the animals in the Selous, the largest game reserve in Africa? Other wildlife is often left, at most, a footnote at the end of a travel guide. Grouped and races, but not enough to make the grade. The safari vehicles centered, seeking only the Big Five, passing the spectacular of other mammals, birds, reptiles and insects, which are fascinating and an essential part of the context. Big is beautiful, is the cry of those responsible for safari. The Red Colobus monkey is protected by Selous, even if the territory poses outside the protected area. The numbers fell to 400, but the situation is improving, and if you ask in advance for a special permit for the management of Selous be able to get special access to enter this field. An armed ranger will accompany him in a wooded area in which the monkey can be easily observed. Along the Rufiji River and lakes around the crocodile is abundant. This reptile is the largest in the world and here in the Selous can grow to five meters in length. They live mainly on fish but also eat small mammals and large, when they reach the river to drink. In the land that can raise your body on the ground and moving at high speed, many people are victims of crocodile, where settlements are situated on the River. The snakes are very common in the park, but most are not poisonous snakes, if possible avoid humans and, therefore, snake bites are extremely rare. Some of the snakes are green mamba snake puff and even black, spitting cobras and Gaboon vipers. Pythons have been known to catch and strangle the large mammals such as the Impala and then proceed to swallow whole. In an unusual way to view wildlife and the river and lakes. The Rufiji River is across the river can be forgiven for thinking here that the lack of water is not a problem in Africa. In Beho Beho part of the Selous aluminum boats with outboard passenger in the lake Tagalala. There is a maze of small canals, marshes and smaller lakes in this area. Fishing is allowed, provided they obtain authorization from the field. Tiger fish, catfish and whistles are the usual catch. Although every few years, a visitor from the sea in bags visitor.This surprised a month, a visitor was able to catch a shark! The Selous is a huge reserve and as an alternative to the most visited Serengeti. Now, with costs doubling in the Serengeti park, because tourists wishing to visit the Selous is becoming untenable is the place to visit to escape the crowds and a real African experience.

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