Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Head First

I went over the edge and looked down. I closed my eyes, breathed deeply ... first.The head and released in the summer I turned 13 was spent in the pool. We swam in a large Olympic pool with three diving boards at one end, two diving low and high dive.I had boasted of my friends who could run the perfect swan song off the high board. In the end, I was the challenge to prove it. No problem. I thought I could. In my mind, I was walking toward the edge of the Board and the launch! I thought I could until they started up the stairs. At the top I realized that I have more than I could jump. It's been a lot more looking at the bottom looking up. I began to recede, but the boy next line was on top of the stairs shouting: "It's my turn!" I heard the sound of the other children play safely at ground level. I looked and saw the smirk on the faces of my friends. I took a deep breath and pulled out my courage and jumped first.For head a moment, my plan was perfect. Then my feet above my head down and ran into a terrible force in the belly flop more terrible than you can imagine. The wind was knocked out of me so bad I thought the operator would have to fish me Out failed miserably, but I've learned. I've learned to keep my mouth shut. I also learned that sometimes the best way to achieve your goals is to move first. I have since learned that when they achieve their goals, their success will impact the lives of many others of his bed-head first own.I recently. Anna and her brother Jim has one brother and one sister with big problems. His mother died when they were young. His alcoholic father disappeared. Anne legally blind, he could only distinguish blurred shapes. Jim had a tubercular hip and walked with crutches. Nobody knew what to do with them because they were taken to hospital palliative care Massachusetts.The Tewksbury Tewksbury was a deposit of human waste. All people that society has no place for the children ended up in places like this.a nightmare, Tewksbury welcomed the insane, with the contagious sound. The food was always bad, often in poor condition. At night, rats were charge.Anne insisted that she and Jim are reunited. A wish was fulfilled until Jim died suddenly in the night. Anne was alone now. Fear, but surely he could do was better.Her chance to escape when a commission of inquiry came to visit the Tewksbury facility in response to rumors of mistreatment and misconduct.This Committee was directed by Frank Sanborn. Anne Sanborn knew I could get her out of Tewksbury, if researchers could get their attention.Anne after room to room trying to discern which of them was Sanborn. When the committee has completed its tour and was about to leave, Anne still had not identified Sanborn.Anne literally jumped head. He dove in the center of the whole committee. grabbed the edges of the skirt and pant legs, pleaded - "I do not belong here, I go to school!" reason. Ana has received attention Sanborn's. Tewksbury and help at school. 6 years later, at age 20, Anna is a graduate of the Perkins School for the Blind as the first of its kind. He also received surgery to correct his eyesight.This could be the end of a happy story, but Anne's success goes far beyond their own lives. Anne habit of jumping in head first was to help someone else.Anne received a phone call demanding that becomes the guardian of a student difficult. It had become a theoretical innovation. Now it was time to pursue his theory in real time life.When Anne came home from his new student, he realized there was a huge challenge ahead. As usual, Anne dove on working day and night with his new students have been able to penetrate the darkness and break the silence which had held its captive.The student teacher, Annie Sullivan was able to finally pass and communicate with students, Helen Keller.When is time that to achieve your dreams, close your eyes, breathe deeply ... and jumps in head first.Steve Brummet is a communication expert, writer and speaker who works with all types of organizations to improve understanding of styles.Better communications media can help you and your organization reduce stress and increase productivity. For more information about one of our

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