Friday, March 19, 2010

Feng Shui - Symbols and Shapes to Enhance Your Wellness and Prosperity

The symbolism was an important part of all cultures of all life on this planet. Everything we put into our environment has a symbolic reference to something in the past, or aspire to something to.Lucky charm, religious icons, including the stories and the stories we tell our children have a symbolic significance. There are many memorable examples for us some good connections and some negative, like a swastika. If you are not Buddhist, who originally used this picture, but the Nazis used a reverse swastika for their own stretches symbolism.Symbolism clothing brands to choose. Many choose clothes that are a trademark or slogan or image or rude or funny text. All these are designed to send a message, look, I'm hip, I'm fashionable, or do not care what they think of me.If you look around your home What are their symbolic messages. There is order in chaos? Is your home or lived in a sparkling feeling.Do to display family photos, souvenirs or expensive artwork? Is your home warm and rustic or minimalist style.It, no matter what style you choose, provided it works for you. If your art or travel treasures are there to give pleasure, it's a good Feng Shui, but if your belongings are there to prove they are better than others, then what is wrong Feng Shui.The Japanese love fish and often show live fish or works of art involving fish. This screen is easy on the Japanese psyche. Love the Chinese wall hanging with places of beauty. The carpets are characterized by a long and narrow.The are placed so that the methods for enhancing the area of the ascetics. The ways to transform spaces into places without problems. The curve of the intestine, an interesting arrangement of dried flowers, or a work of art on the scale of 1:1.616 golden ratio. This width and height is the most pleasing to the human Eye.o path bend leading to the front door creates a healthy flow of energy in the home. An exhibition of works of art collecting trip and still leaves room as well as our senses. If you have many try to restrain yourself, you can turn regularly.I am a fan of car racing, once had a lot of memories of shows, was filled to my office space and visitors did not feel comfortable bring to my office. I cleaned them all, but listen, why not enjoy my stuff. So now we are only three items at a time and rotate them every two or three space weeks.My feels very good, I like my stuff and I'm happy to invite anyone in that room. I am confident that my creative energies flow as energy was released.

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